Click here to access your Fitzgibbon employee email
Fitzgibbon Hospital / The Living Center
M-Town Graphics (use code: MP89Y)
Viking Athletic Goods
A portion of the sales will be returned to Fitzgibbon Hospital Foundation. Sites are available 24/7 with the exception of a brief monthly shutdown to retrieve and process orders.
Order hospital-approved scrubs.
Click here for uniform purchasing instructions, username and password
MyHRPortal FAQs . . .
How do I activate MyHR Portal?
How do I complete the AirMedCare Enrollment Form?
How to I complete Open Enrollment? * COMING SOON *
How do I look at my paycheck stub?
How do I activate Two-Factor Authentication?
How do I access my W2? * COMING SOON *
How do I check to see if my Wellness Form has been uploaded?
How do I upload my Wellness Form?
Employee Portal | Updated 1.3.2023 (ce)